Monday, December 12, 2011

Prints & Paintings

It is time for my second artist spread. Scott Parker is a close friend who moved to Santa Fe, NM a few years ago to pursue a friendlier crowd than us thankless New Yorkers. His block prints, paintings and pastels are directly taken from his wonderful travels around the world. As my husband likes to say, Scott's the guy who caught a fish in every single national park. I like to say, Scott's the guy who has captured nature (and everything in-between) in every corner of this expansive country and brought it to us city dwellers. Here are a few of my favorites (aside those that are hanging on my wall).

Apres Moo



Denver Botanical Gardens

Enter Manhattan Bridge
If you can't get away from your cubicle as much as you'd like, take a look and live vicariously through the eyes of someone who has kayaked with whales. Scott's entire work is available to view and purchase on his website

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