Friday, December 9, 2011

Surf's Up

I am blessed to have quite a few friends who are themselves blessed with sheer artistic talent. I love their work, their aesthetic and their interpretation of life. As Thanksgiving has just passed to give way to Christmas and the holidays, and these being times to stop and think about all you have, I decided to give thanks for friends (and family but we are not so artistic) by giving them center stage on my blog.

My first 'crush' is Brown Cannon III. Brown is a brilliant photographer and surfer who travels the world to capture it through a lens. His photographs are worth a look. but his one project I am still not quite over is his surf board one, they literally give me shivers when I look at them. Take a look and you'll understand why.

Selection of boards


Balsa Wave Farmer

Balsa Free Range Egg

Early 60's Pig

You need something to be a conversation piece, make a statement or just look stunning on a wall? This is it.

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