Monday, April 30, 2012

Wall Decals

I just fell in love with (a lot) these wall decals and wallpapers. Especially the door trompe l'oeil. Am now considering covering my whole apartment in them. Ok maybe not, but the more I see the more I want to find that perfect spot for the awesome impact that comes with these.

 This is how taxidermy should be done! In pink that is.

Lacking a balcony or a garden the above will have to do. How dainty!

This kind of makes me want to cuddle up to it.

Too many white doors in the loft? Here's a fixer that will take two minutes.

 Home is where the bed (or cushions) are.

In winter these wallpapers will make you smile, in summer they will remind you of what's outside waiting for you.

How much will my husband love me if I put this in his office?

For these and many (many) more awesome designs visit the Couture Deco Website.

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