Monday, November 21, 2011


Once again two of my favorite things come together to make for one fabulous project. Here, Big Tree Farms build a chocolate factory in Bali made almost entirely out of bamboo. Surreal in its intricacy and stunning to look at. Not to mention that bamboo is a lot cheaper than steel-frame construction and way more sustainable.
Exterior view of the chocolate factory

Close up of construction elements

Ibuku Design who spearheaded the project also had a hand in building the Green School in Bali. A campus made largely from bamboo.
School under construction
Two classrooms at the Green School

A nearby village called Green Village was also taken on by architect Pete Celovsky. I read the living conditions are not quite reflective of the peaceful and graceful architecture, but that it is slowly getting better. Here is to hoping that all issues will be solved so that more and more projects can be inspired by this weaving technique of bamboo and save some of those much needed resources the earth has to offer. For more information and stunning photographs visit

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