Saturday, November 19, 2011

Light Dreams

Still catching up on some light reading and this time I came across a new young designer who made the switch from fashion to product design. I don't know what Martha Freud was like as a fashion designer but I hope she sticks to products, lighting especially, because she makes the most exquisite lighting I have seen in a long time.  She probably won't remember, but I went to school with her, I also played tennis with her brother and started as a product designer. She's rubbing shoulders with celebrities and I am writing about her lighting. She obviously made the right call at some point.

Butterfly Light - so delicate and ethereal 

The Tea lights light (option to buy with the whole bookcase) - a simple, yet brilliant idea which is sure to make an impression in any space. 
All these lights and more, including some furniture are on her website.

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